As I get older, I think I love each Mother's Day even more because my life becomes richer & richer with the love of my family. Justine's mom had a baby shower for her yesterday, what better way to celebrate Mothers Day week-end? I loved the bag her friend Lindsey put together for her. Justine's tummy pictures of her and my soon to be granddaughter, Morgan, that will be here in a few weeks!

Justine saw the Nordstroms box, then the smile came,especially when she pulled out the little "Juicy" outfit! Her favorite.

The piggy bank was next, "lookin for money Justine"? Mother's Day is always a fun week-end for me. A baby shower yesterday, I work today with my Country Roads "kids", and then Katie and Vinnie are making dinner tonight for all of us at their house. What makes Mother's Day so very special to me?

"the love of that first baby you have"

"the love of being a part of your kids daily lives"

"the love of that first grandbaby"
Being a Mom, and now a Gramma, has by far, been one of the best and most rewarding & loving roles I've had in my life. And not a day goes by that I take that for granite. I wish you all a day full of remembering those special memories we share with our kids! "Happy Mothers Day"
Happy Mother's Day to you too, Sue!
Gosh, how can Justine look that good when she is that pregnant? Sickening!:) Sue, I hope you have a great Mother's Day. You deserve it! And tell Riley not to pinch you tonight because it's Mother's Day!
Happy Mother's Day! Don't do any dishes today. Not one.
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