Today, I just have a few photos left that I took this past Monday, the last day of our sale! That was indeed a crazy three days, but then again, many of our days at the store are just that way. A couple of my favorite episodes that occurred over the week-end were amazing. On Sunday, and elderly Asian gentleman had come in with a luggage rack on wheels, and since it was so busy it was hard to see him. Thankfully another merchant happened to be standing by our front door and noticed the above guy had added a $170 leather doctor bag on top of his luggage with the price tag still on it and walked out the door. Yesi had just saw him as well. So, off I go and I'm thinking, I'm REALLY going to be pissed if I have to run down Olive to catch him. With my speed walk, I managed to catch him down my Antique Station. I just said, "hey, you didn't pay for that". Immediately he starts saying, "so sorry, so sorry, mistake, I pay". At this point I just want the bag back, so I take it off his cart and he is "supposed" to be walking back with me to the store to pay for it. Half way back, I see him stop, act like he's fixing his remaining piece of luggage then he walks away in the opposite direction. At this point, I just give up and am happy I got the bag back! Then the very next day, in the middle of the day, one of our "local" homeless guys decides to stop next to my building and pee on it! Yep, you heard it. With all that said, here a just a few pictures of "my boy Bryce's stuff"! And yes, the one below is blurry, sorry. I just had no time over the sale week-end!

Speaking of time, I just got banned from the store for the next few days. I have been really tired, not feeling all that good lately. Yesterday when I woke up, I really felt like a truck had run over me. I had Bodhi and Riley and was just wiped out. I don't get sick, so I just ignore that kind of stuff when I don't feel good. Katie didn't like the way I sounded and tried to tell me I was sick. In my world, I don't have time to be sick. She made me a doctors appointment. I hadn't been in since 2009, and that was just because I had water in my ear. Apparently when all was said and done, including a couple of x-rays, the doc told me I have bronchitis with some "strands" (whatever that means) of pneumonia. Perfect! Especially for someone that can't sit still. Funny how life works sometimes. I JUST changed my health insurance on February 1st, because you know, I'm never sick! One of the prescriptions didn't have a generic brand, and I haven't reached my deductible since it's brand new insurance. So, $163 later, for 10 pills, some other pills, and thankfully two inhalers the doctor gave me, I have been banned from "the store"! Hope to be back soon before I go crazy at home!!