I had a really nice Thanksgiving yesterday. I didn't have to bring much over to Katie's, so it was nice to have some time for myself. I remember those days when my kids were young, we would have to go to everyone's house. Bryce, Justine, and Morgan were getting ready to leave for her mom's house and rushing around to get ready. I think you can tell by the look on Bryce's face. I don't miss those days.

Yes, those ARE wrapped Christmas presents!! I'm so proud of myself, this is a first. I'm never this organized and always up late on Christmas Eve wrapping gifts. And, I've been buying gifts here and there this year, so this will help me have a more relaxing Christmas Eve this year.

This year I only had to bring ahi for Brande and I, neither of us eat meat. Also, the rest was easy, store bought rolls and a case of Corona. I was making a cranberry sandwich "something" that Paula Deen did on one of her shows. I don't even like cranberry sauce and as you can tell, my "dish" looks nothing like Paula's! Brande thought her dessert was the ugliest. We were having a "who has the ugliest dessert contest". I won hands down on that one, mine looked disgusting!

Katie's house was SO loud and chaotic. Riley's cousin, Applonini who is five is a, what word shall I use, a free spirit. She's always pushed Riley around and is twice Riley's size. This year Riley has started to stand up for herself, so there was lots and lots of screaming! Thankfully, "teacher Brande" came to the rescue and helped the girls make crowns from paper bags and have a parade! Thank you Brande for the quiet time, it was awesome while it lasted.

The parade was cute, nice and it was quiet for awhile. And both of the girls seemed to enjoy it!

That is Mary Jane, the cat on the ground that Riley has her arms wrapped around! This is the fattest cat I've ever seen in my life. I don't know if the cat is just mellow so she lets Riley hold her like that or just too fat to get up!

After Apple went home, things calmed down considerably as Riley lovingly holds her Baby Riley! Another Thanksgiving behind us, more wonderful memories created, and now, time to put the turkeys away and decorate the house for Christmas!!