1. I'm the oldest in my family, I have a younger sister who grew to be a lot bigger than me. Being a dumbass, I always picked fights with her and always got the crap kicked out of me, but it didn't stop me. I also broke my mom's foot when I was in third grade,I kicked her! But hey, she was chasing me with a belt, for starting a fight with my sister!
2. I went to college at Cal State University Fullerton, here in CA. I majored in Sociology and minored in American Studies and spent an entire summer working on an Indian reservation in the 115 degree heat outside of Yuma. I loved every minute of it!! I dropped out of school 12 units short of my BA. Why? I was living on my own, working, partying, and going to school and had to choose to let one of them go, wow, once again I was a dumbass on that choice! (dumbass is one of my favorite words, you may not have know that either)
3. I am a blonde, left handed, vegetarian Gemini! I think that explains a lot about some of my blog posts, as in I just can't help myself! Sometimes I can have a really big mouth, and at other times I can be shy and withdrawn and compliments are very difficult for me to accept, I get embarrassed. I appreciate them, I just don't like the attention.
4.I cannot stand to see animals suffer or little kids mistreated. Was a big fan of Billy Jack, "bless the beasts and the children, they have no voice they have no choice". So, I have a house full of eight rescued cats, and one rescued mentally challenged dog, "Sally the Cabana Dog".
5.I'm a music freak, totally!! If I could choose to be anything in life, it would be to be a singer with a band. Seriously, I want to be Cher or Tina Turner, look at them! I love most all music, really into Michael Franti & the Spearheads right now. Big American Idol freak! I'm in love with my ipod and splurged on really expensive Bose headphones a couple of years ago to listen to my ipod with. Something I wouldn't normally do.
6.I can't help myself when it comes to underdogs or people that need help. If I only have five bucks in my wallet I'll give it to someone that I think needs it. My kids grew up with me making them walk over to scarey people and give them money. I think "giving back" and "paying it forward" is really important in life. I will usually help someone else before I help myself. I have no respect for rich, weathly people that do nothing to help others.
So, there you go. I told you it wouldn't be too exciting but hey, I tried to play and be a good sport! Thanks for pushing me Malisa, Marcela & Clara!
You did great! Thanks for being such a great sport!
We promise,we will not tag you again!!!
Clara & Marcela
Hey, Dumbass! You did good! I really enjoyed reading those things about you! Don't worry about the tag...I stole it too!
"Dumbass?" If Mal's a friend, what do your enemies call you?
The Texas Woman
"Asswipe" ;0}
I can't top that!
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