A few weeks ago, I wrote a blog post called
Thanksgiving Thoughts about my friend Cheryl. And if the link doesn't work sense I'm "linked challenged" you may just have to go back to the post on 11/24/09. That day I just sat down and wrote from my heart because I was sincerely heartbroken by everything that Cheryl and her husband Dan were going through. I wrote the post because I needed to get those feelings out. I never realized that an actual angel would touch us all in such a special way!! I received this email this morning from my friend Cheryl.
Dear Sue,
Thanks to Debra Oliver it helped me return to visit Dan in a very depressing convalescent home in Santa Ana, named St. Edna's. He looks ok. Lost about 30 pounds. In 38 years never saw him so thin. Not a good way to lose weight. Sent Debra a beautiful thank you card and told her how much we appreciated the money and prayers. Being touched by this angel was fantastic and I believe in the goodness and heartfelt caring of people in this country. Dan should be released early next year. He is very sad and weepy and loved seeing our daughter, Vanessa and our 2 grandkids: Hayley and Jason. The home was not far from his storage space where we put some of his stuff so it can be brought to him by his business partner. We dropped by Country Roads on Friday afternoon and picked up the tags. Wanted to say "hi" and showed Carol and Yessy picture of Dan. Whenever I return, I hope to drop by to see all you wonderful folks . Have a Merry Christmas from our family to yours.
Thankfully and warmly,
Debra and Cheryl have never met, yet they touched each others hearts in a way that neither of them will ever forget. Debra had read the Thanksgiving blog post and her and her husband reached out to Cheryl and her family after reading it and sent them a very generous check. They both touched my heart as well, just as Cheryl & Dan had touched me so much that I needed to write that blog post. If you want to see how Debra became an angel, go
here . There are so many good people in this world of ours. I think sometimes these people get overlooked because of all the other stuff the daily news focuses on! Enough of Tiger already! I wish there would be a news channel that just ran positive and good stories each day.

When my kids were young, I helped them "learn and care" about others. The other day Riley and I were going to the grocery store and the Salvation Army's little red bucket was hanging there. I had given her some dollars to put in the bucket and tried to explain to her how this money would help others. She dropped the money in the bucket, and looked up at me with those big blue eyes, and smiled and said, "this will help some other people that need help, right Gramma"? Start growing those angel wings on your little ones now, and they just may grow-up to be Debra Oliver!
I went back and read the post I'd missed. What a wonderful Thanksgiving/Christmas story! Thank you, Sue, for writing it and thank you Debra and hubby, for providing the story in the first place!
There really is a Santa in the kind souls of people like Debra and her husband. That money was so much more than money. It meant hope, and love, and a light at the end of the tunnel. What a wonderful gift.
Sue, what can I say? You have moved me to humble tears. I know what we gave is just a drop in the bucket to their need. But yes, hope and the knowledge that someone cares is the most important thing there is. Without hope we can be destroyed. I wrote in the Bible Study last post about being "willing to say yes". And that's all God wants, our willingness to "step out of the boat" and put action to our words. Thank you dear Sue, you are a dear friend and sister.
Blessings to you and all your family this Christmas!
love Debra
Debra put high heels to good intentions. I'm at a loss for words and you know that is not an easy thing to do...shut me up!
I read somewhere one time that we may be the only Bible some people read...Debra is Genesis to Revelation.
Sadly you're right about one thing. Debra and her husband's loving hearts will not be on the news. Sometimes it's just so sad that people would rather hear about someone they will never meet with all that drama than the sweet people, placed here on Earth by God, who are all around us.
Sue, there were two angels at work here. The angel who cared enough to write the post and the angel who cared enough to write the check. I thank the Good Lord for both of you!
I had read the first post and I was touched. I know Debra from blogging, sweet lady. How everything and everybody can connect from blogging. I love it, and I love it that you told us story I and II. I love blogging more and more. Ciao Rita
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