It's been a long 24 hours, but I just had to add a "few" more pix's of Morgan at 12 hours old, as seen here with the new Mommy & Daddy!

"me & my new baby girl"

"trying to wake up for Gramma"

"12 hours old and ready to face the world"

"it's hard for Gramma to say good night to my new baby girl"
Sweet, sweet, sweet, she seems very alert too.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!
The Texas Woman
Get some sleep Sue, tomorrow will be a whole other day to LOVE! The picture are just great! ~Jacque
She's beautiful! So glad you finally got to meet her.
She is just perfect! Just think, in a day or two, she will be in her pretty little bed AT HOME! Gramma can stare at her all day!
Aunt Malisa
Too precious! Thanks for sharing this special moment with us.
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