
Love This Time of Year

I'm so, so loving Fall and it's nice, cool weather. After almost two straight months of that heat wave of ours, I'm so happy to be enjoying this time of the year. I got a bit carried away decorating yesterday. But the colors and wonderful feelings that Fall brings with it,  kept calling my name!

I've had this old "Hays Funeral Service" sign for years. I bought it from Ginny, here at Country Roads. I have to say it's one of my favorites and it's the perfect time of year to enjoy it. If you are looking for Fall decorations, vintage stuff and plants for your garden to bring Fall to your home, you know that we have it right here at Country Roads. . ."always your favorite, never the same"!

1 comment:

Shabby chic Sandy said...

I am not a fan of Orange--but I must say that bright orange pumpkin looks awesome on that aqua chair. Love it!