Time, wouldn't it be cool if we could just slow it down a little bit? I am always so busy I'm afraid if I stop, I'll miss something. The other night, I went back with Katie, Vinnie, and Riley for another 4-D ultra sound. The girl that did the first one messed it up, so the new one was amazing. Loved getting a sneak preview of my new grandson. Now, I just need to find the time to get the CD with all his pictures on it from Katie, download it, and share! Again, the magic word, "time". I finished up my "hoarding swap out". I like the less cluttered look and I now officially have a "kids table", even if one of the "kids" isn't even born yet!

It's funny how you move one thing, re-arrange some other stuff in your house, and it not only gives it a new look, but it is much more functional as well. Only thing that I bought was the table, the rest of the stuff I had, I know, "stuff"! Just moved that "stuff" around and got a different look! I'm not a big yellow fan, but when I bought this house, the walls were ALL covered with dark paneling. Paint was a quick fix. This part of my house is still a project, some day, yes some day!

All that is left of the previous mess that was on my harvest table is this little pile at the end, which will be going to Country Roads with me on Saturday to sell. I did do this swap pretty fast, but I also had motivation. We are having a first birthday party for Morgan on Saturday night. Her birthday isn't until June 5th, but Bryce always goes up North to sell at the Alameda Flea Market. This is the down side of this business and being open every day, except Thanksgiving, Christmas and 4th of July! We are always working.

As I mentioned, we have a special birthday party to get ready for, AND I also work the entire Memorial week-end at Country Roads. Needless to say, I'm trying hard to organize my time right now. I have a lot of paperwork to catch up on today. Sometimes it does become a burden when my three office assistants need extra attention. Mak (Makena) is pictured above, and he really isn't a devil cat, my photo program wouldn't take the red out of his eyes, so his beautiful blue eyes would shine. Mak is huge and sweet, and a little slow in the brain department. He often falls off my desk. He was a rescue kitty a few years back!

Someone rescued Mak and Kona (pictured above) from a construction site down by the beach. They were trapped inside of a wall as kittens. Kona is still a bit shy, and will only sit with me on her terms. But when she does sit with me, she too makes it a bit difficult to work.

And lastly is Fluffy, another rescue. Bryce found her and her litter mates a few years back. The red in Fluffy really should be the color of her eyes since she has a bit of the bitchy attitude to match the eyes. Fluffy really does have beautiful blue eyes, and longs to be an only cat! She is in my lap constantly, and makes it hard at times to work. Leonard is no longer and office cat, but don't worry he is doing fine. He is out in the sunroom with a couple of my other cats that were rescued several years ago and use to enjoy peeing in the house! Now they happily use the cat box in the sunroom. Leonard is doing okay for his age. I put him out in the sunroom since he no longer felt like cleaning himself up and often has litter stuck on his feet. But, hey, he is OLD. Why am I writing about cats right now?

This is a picture of Mary and her son Jake. She is why I am talking about cats. I guess it has been a little over a year since
Mary and Jack died along with Mary's boyfriend. And hopefully my link works so you can read the entire story. Mary and her small family were about to become homeless, and Mary and Jake both had MS. And sadly, Mary's boyfriend thought shooting them and himself was a better solution. It breaks my heart that our world these days brings people to make that kind of decision. Mary was a big believer in saving our "furry friends". This, as many of you know, is big time "kitty" season. Many kittens are born and have no homes and many will be feral and continue to breed. Most of us already know this, but if you have cats and dogs, you need to do the "right" thing and have them fixed so they don't reproduce. There are awesome dogs in the shelter, many pure breeds for those of you that desire that. I'm a mutt girl myself! And the same with cats and kittens. Our pet population is exploding!! Mary use to always email me with adoption events for our furry friends and I would post the events on my blog. Her MS had prevented her from physically shopping at Country Roads anymore. Each of Mary's emails had this little poem at the end. . . "Just when the caterpillar thought her world was over. . .SHE became a butterfly"!! I now know that Mary has finally become the most beautiful, loving butterfly ever! You know, there are some people that come into our lives for just a brief period time, yet you always remember them. And a year later, I still think of Mary. This post is for you Mary, and our furry friends!