This "White Wednesday" in which I'm running VERY late with my post, I wanted to dedicate to my Dad. My Dad would have been 90 years old today. We lost him almost four years ago on Valentine's Day morning in 2007. So, in honor of my Dad, I've posted some black and "white" photos of Mr.Moore (that's how he introduced himself) or Pat the Irishman! Here are a few of my favorite pictures of my Dad! This is the last picture I have of my Dad. It was taken on Thanksgiving in 2006. My Mom had just died that previous August right after Riley was born. I remember when my Dad was holding Riley here, his words were, "your Mom would have loved this baby". So today, on this "White Wednesday" here's to you Dad. I know that you know you could be a really big pain in my ass, but in the end all was well! We all miss you and think of you often. Happy Birthday. And for everyone else that has already visited Kathleen I hope you had the chance to say a big "thank you" to her for putting this "White Wednesday" thing together that we all participate in! It's been wonderful getting to know so many of you. And here's to a great 2011! Happy New Year!! And "happy birthday" Rita! I'm happy to have a friend that shares the same birthday as my "Papa"!!
Sue, this is so beautiful to carry on his life by honoring his special day. It is amazing to me how all of your family looks like your mom and dad. I have to laugh cause you speak little of your "MISTER WONDERFUL" and I wonder did your kids and grandkids get any of his genes. You all are spitting images of your side of the family. Very sweet, must make you a proud mama and grandmama to see so much of your parents in them. Take care Sue on this Your dads bday Amy
Amy, You really wouldn't want me to speak of my Mister Wonderful. I may not stop. And you are ABSOLUTELY correct, none of my kids or grandkids genes come from him, not one little bit ;0) Sue
Nice post!! I love writing about my parents and take advantage every chance I get. Glad you honored your dad with this posting. HAPPY NEW YEAR! Karen Ladybug Creek
A very loving tribute to your dear dad. It must have been quite a blessing to have had him as your father. Happy B-day to him and Happy New Year to you! Take care, Mary :O)
What a sweet post, those photos are true treasures. Thank you for sharing them with us, Theresa xoxo
Sue, this is so beautiful to carry on his life by honoring his special day.
It is amazing to me how all of your family looks like your mom and dad.
I have to laugh cause you speak little of your "MISTER WONDERFUL"
and I wonder did your kids and grandkids get any of his genes. You all are spitting images of your side of the family.
Very sweet, must make you a proud mama and grandmama to see so much of your parents in them.
Take care Sue on this Your dads bday
You really wouldn't want me to speak of my Mister Wonderful. I may not stop. And you are ABSOLUTELY correct, none of my kids or grandkids genes come from him, not one little bit ;0)
Nice post!! I love writing about my parents and take advantage every chance I get. Glad you honored your dad with this posting.
Ladybug Creek
Happy Birthday to Papa'. Ciao Rita
A very loving tribute to your dear dad. It must have been quite a blessing to have had him as your father. Happy B-day to him and Happy New Year to you! Take care, Mary :O)
What great old photos ~ so glad you shared them!!
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