For any of you that haven't had a chance to visit Country Roads, let me give a quick, little background. We are located in an historic area of Southern California. Old Towne Orange was established in the late 1800's, and our little area is filled with history. Country Roads "appears" to be three separate buildings, but we are actually only two with openings into each other. We are a big store, seriously. I'm guessing at least 12,000 sq feet on the inside and another 5,000 sq feet in our outdoor garden area. One thing I can tell you for sure, you have to be in decent shape to work here because we "run" all over the place! Seriously, we are all moving constantly. We also have a HUGE variety of merchandise, but more importantly, I have the privilege to work with a group of people that REALLY understand DISPLAY and have such talent! I'm a big believer in the importance of fresh & new displays that appear daily throughout "the store". Country Roads is filled with antiques, but we also have some new merchandise as well. These pictures, these great displays below, come from Gay Anderson. You always know what time of year it is when you walk into the third building and see her log cabin facade filled with seasonal merchandise. Below are some of the many wonderful displays that Gay puts together with such ease and grace! Hope you enjoy the eye candy!

If you don't have any plans this week-end, and even if you do, stop on by and see us. As our "regulars" know, each and every day there is something new and different at Country Roads. I hope you all have a wonderful week-end!
Hi Sue, the store displays in Country Roads are really some of the best out there. Your dealers really work hard to have great vignettes that show off their merchandise. Gay's area is always so fun and creative! XO Christie
How could you work there and NOT be in the Christmas spirit? Oh, my gosh...your photos are awesome!
Oh I wish I was closer so I could stop by...just a little too far away from St Louis.
I've seen some awesome pics of this place, sure wish I lived closer. Thanks for sharing! Lezlee
I didn't realize the store was that big! Does Gay have any roller skates in her wonderful displays you could get for working in that huge place?
I can only dream of being in a mall as wonderful as yours! Girl you got it gonnin on! You need to come to Texas in the spring and hang out, you would love it!
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