I've wanted Barbra Streisand's new book ever since it came out. Then, thanks to
Tanza, that came into the store a week or so ago and says, "Sue, you have to have it, you will love it". But I hesitated because it was so expensive as in $60! Then it happened.

I went to Border's yesterday to get a gift card for someones Christmas present. And there was the book, it was just calling my name. I tried to ignore it, but I couldn't, so I bought it and was filled with guilt. But just look how cute Barbra's dog is above. When I told Katie what I had done, she was mad because she was going to buy it for me for Christmas and knew where to get it cheaper. Long story short, I wake up this morning, and I find a Border's coupon for 50% off ONE item of your choice. I went back to Border's this morning with my sad story and my coupon and they refunded me half the price of the book! I am so excited and now can feel a little less guilty for buying something for myself.

Speaking of guilt, this is my Christmas tree that I've had for over a week now. Does it look a bit dark to you? I think I'm going for the "natural" look this year, no ornaments or lights. It does have a "natural" piece of twine tied on the top of the tree. That is where the price tag use to be. And the tree is sitting on a very natural looking black trash bag! I do believe however, that this Thursday night we will all gather and watch Bryce decorate the tree. He does an awesome job, seriously. This year Morgan will be joining Riley has they help give our tree a bit more sass!!
I think we must all be in this kind of Christmas mood because I just put my trip up this weekend and today a co-worker wanted to know why I hadn't decorated my office yet? So, I ran home, grabbed the tree, it's still in the box, so tomorrow I'll decorate my office. It'll then be time to turn around and take it all down, so I was almost thinking why bother when another friend told me to quit acting like "a Grinch". I had to laugh at that.
How nice of Borders to honor that gift certificate and you totally deserve that book Sue, half price or not. Besides, Barbra is a close friend of yours isn't she
:-) Ann
I am now an official member of the Borders fan club...what a super nice thing to do!
Why shouldn't you treat yourself to something you want. It's not like you do it all the time. Heck...you're ususally doing for others. Wish I had known you wanted it though!
I will have to keep a eye out for this book. And all the treasures from the previous post look so prety. Have a good evening.....Julian
No guilt, you deserve to treat yourself and often... matter a fact you have inspired me to do the same Ha!
Poor James he gets so mad at me because I always buy what I want before he can get it for me. My tree is made out of drift wood and no lights or ornaments, it makes me very happy in all its simplicity. Have a Beautiful Season ~ Jacque
Sue you sound like Rudy, always feeling a little guilty to splurge on yourselves.
You work so very hard and its not like it was so super extravagant that it is like something you will only use once, you will get years of happiness from this. So treat yourself once in awhile.
Most spend that on going out to dinner in a week.
I hope you find time to enjoy your new book next to your tree one night that it is lit. Sit back enjoy the lights, a beer and Babs
Ooohhh Sue !! You DID it !! Don't you just LoVe the whole book .. Amazing !! Did you see anything in it that looked at all familiar to you ?! What a home !! Everything I LoVe and more !! Just think we could probably live in her basement stores, and NeVer EvEn be found out !! Incredible look into BEAUTIFUL !! I'm soo happy for you, Tell Katy there is sooo many pretty books she can but you !! I go crazy buying lovely, FuN books !! Yippee Skippee to you !! Hope you are enjoying your Christmas season !! I personally LoVe your tree ALL Natural !! You've started something NeW !! Can't wait to see what your Bryce makes it look like !! Happy evening to you my friend ~
Hugs ~Tanza~
I'm glad you got the book....we all deserve things for ourselves once in a while, don't we?
Loving your natural tree. I'm only going to put lights on our tree in the living room this year. I've always loved how they look with just lights and my kids gave me the OK since we're going skiing during the vacation anyway and won't be able to enjoy it. Our holidays are going to be a little different this year and I'm looking forward to it....leaving all the family drama behind. Change is good sometimes.
Take some time to really enjoy the season.
Hi Sue...good for you!!
Barbra was on GMA this morning being interviewed in "The Barn"! The rest of Robin's interview will be on Nightline tonite...set your DVR!!
Have a great day!
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