
A Garden

I don't know what it is about having a garden, but for me it just makes me happy. I so appreciate the different colors of nature, and also the brilliant colors of some of the bugs that also love my flowers!

I can never remember the name of this plant, but I so love it. And the colors of this bug are so pretty! My son has the same plant at his house and it is now taller than his roof! One of the reasons love my garden so much is because it doesn't ask a lot of me. It only wants to be watered when needed and the rewards from that watering are wonderful! I'm linking up this week with Tracie for her "Garden Party". Now if you want to talk about a beautiful garden, stop by and pay her a visit!

"To forget how to dig the earth and to tend the soil is to forget ourselves"


The Boston Lady said...

What an unusual plant that last one is! I've never seen one like that before. Lovely blooms, Sue, I especially like the happy Sunflower. Hope you are doing well. Ann

Genie said...

Dear Sweet Sue,

Gorgeous. Puts me in mind of the poem "everything grows in my mother's garden."
My precious mother and father are gone now, but I have vivid recollections of turning soil, dropping the seeds and watching what only can be described as a miracle.

My mother planted so many plants in my garden giving me great joy still.

Thank you for sharing. xxxxooo e

Burlap Luxe said...

Poetry is all à round us soulfully giving.

Beautiful post will be heading your way and will visit soon.

