
It's All About the Stuff!

 In this business of mine, Country Roads, it is always about the stuff!  I'm guessing our store is about 10,000 square feet which means we really do have a lot of stuff! I wanted to share some of our favorite stuff that caught my eye yesterday.

In case you don't know, Country Roads is open almost every day of the year! And we will be open on Super Bowl Sunday if you would like to do some shopping before the game.  We are open 10am to 5pm everyday.  I hope you find some free time to come for a visit. I promise you that you won't be disappointed!  And if by chance you enjoy our Country Roads pictures, you can find a new and different picture posted daily on our Facebook page at Country Roads Antiques & Gardens!


The Color Red

 I have always loved the color red. I'm not sure why, maybe it just calls my name. Anyway, I wanted to share some of my favorite "reds" that are here at Country Roads. We've had that old red truck in the garden forever. As many of you know, the garden that is named after my Mom, Johnnye Merle, and is one of my favorite places. It always warms my heart with memories of my Mom. And there are always stray kitties running around out there which makes me smile as well since my Mom loved her cats! Below are just a few more of my favorite reds here at Country Roads!

The week-end is coming up, and we sure hope you put us on your list of things to do! Take care!!


Home Sweet Home!


I've been working hard on trying to get back into blogging again like I use to.  It always seems that there isn't enough time in my days. Between working at Country Roads, and then working at home doing Country Roads stuff, the time just vanishes. I had planned on taking a bunch of new photos of "the store" but ran out of time there as well. The pictures I'm posting today are things that are in my home that actually have come from Country Roads over the past 23 years or so.  Like all of you, these are just a few pictures of the many things I've bought over the years at CR!  When it comes to our stuff, we all know it has a way of taking us over but somehow that's okay!

The very best part ever about Country Roads, and I do always say this, but almost every day someone is bringing something into new "the store". I think that is one of the many reasons we all shop so much at Country Roads! I look forward to seeing you soon. Take care.