Katie has worked the past five days at Country Roads, which we all know is never easy. Plus she has baby Bodhi at home and Riley. I offered to take Riley to pre-school this morning for her. Riley & I love to sing together in the car. Usually she will pick a favorite song, and we will play it over and over again until we reach our destination. This mornings song was by Michael Franti, "The Sound of Sunshine"! It's a great song about waiting for the storms to pass and the sun shining down on us! As we sang it all the way to school, it was just one of those moments I will remember sharing with Riley.

You know, for me, it is always the small, simple random acts of kindness in life that touch my heart the deepest. One of my dealers, Nancy, had come in yesterday and gave me this little altered book she had made. It happened to have my last name Jackson on it.

And as if that wasn't enough, she wrote me the beautiful note attached to the book as well. Often times people wonder "why" Country Roads is so much more than a store, but more like family. This is one example why!

Riley and I finally reached her pre-school after singing our song about "sunshine" five or six times. Her school, "Sun & Fun" is in Old Towne Seal Beach, a couple of blocks from the beach. As we walked in, her teacher, Miss Victoria, always has music playing. My days are always better when they are filled with music. As I helped Riley put away her backpack and gave her a kiss good-bye and walked outside to leave, I heard another song. It was that old Frank Sinatra song, "High Hopes"! As a kid, my mom (pictured above) ALWAYS sang that song. Funny how random things happen, how this particular song was playing at just the right time!
Next time you're found, with your chin on the ground
There a lot to be learned, so look around
Just what makes that little old ant
Think he'll move that rubber tree plant
Anyone knows an ant, can't
Move a rubber tree plant
But he's got high hopes, he's got high hopes
He's got high apple pie, in the sky hopes
So any time you're gettin' low
'stead of lettin' go
Just remember that ant
Oops there goes another rubber tree plant
When troubles call, and your back's to the wall
There a lot to be learned, that wall could fall
Once there was a silly old ram
Thought he'd punch a hole in a dam
No one could make that ram, scram
He kept buttin' that dam
but he's got high hopes, he's got high hopes
He's got high apple pie, in the sky hopes
So any time you're feelin' bad
'stead of feelin' sad
Just remember that ram
Oops there goes a billion kilowatt dam
All problems just a toy balloon
They'll be bursted soon
They're just bound to go pop
Oops there goes another problem kerplop
Oops, there goes another problem kerplop
Oops, there goes another problem kerplop

It really is true what people say. Don't sweat the small stuff because in the end they don't really matter. Capture those moments that mean something to you, and tuck them tightly in your heart so they never escape. I came across the picture above, it's me and Riley a couple of years ago at Disneyland. Those are memories that are still in my heart from that afternoon. We were at Playhouse Disney and Riley was sitting in my lap on the floor in total awe while watching the show! We'll all be okay if we just keep those "High Hopes" in our hearts! I promise you!!