The time flies by, doesn't it? I'm always amazed by the passage of time. I watch the seasons change at Country Roads, and it is always SO sweet with the different vignettes, displays and merchandise. I just wanted to let you know that if you are looking for something to do on Columbus day Monday, Country Roads will be open from 10am to 5pm. Also, if you love to garden and enjoy our gardens out in the back of the store, we will be hosting another Garden Party on Saturday, the 26th of October from around 1pm till 3ish! On hand to answer any and all questions will be Brande Jackson, Debbie Watts, and Cathy Jarrell. And of course there will be a few refreshments for you all! Below are just a few pictures of things that I happen to really like, and thought I would share. . .

If you are familiar with the insanely popular Annie Sloan Chalk Paint, I just wanted to let you know that we have two openings left for our class on Sunday. You can reserve your spot by calling us at 714.532.3041 and paying for the class over the phone! And with that said, I just want to say "thank you" to all of you that shop with us, read our blog and follow us on Facebook! We do daily posts on our FB page, "Country Roads Antiques & Gardens" that always have a picture some of our stuff here at Country Roads! And again thanks. . . please know I appreciate you all!