
Merry Christmas. . .Enjoy the Show!

As we get closer and closer to the REALLY big day, I thought I would share some of my Country Roads favorites. What I mean by that is just a little this, and a little that, of the different holiday decorations we've had here at Country Roads over the past couple of months. Hope you enjoy the show and our many different looks of Christmas here at Country Roads!

Just click HERE to watch!
And just a side note, the speakers went out on my computer so I had to "guess" at the music that is playing!!
Happy Holidays


  1. Merry Christmas Sue. Enjoy the time with the g'kids and I'll talk to you in the new year!
    Blessings from my house to yours.

  2. Dear Sue, Hope Christmas brings you all the peace and joy you deserve. A big Christmas hug to you, the family and everyone there in beautiful Country Roads!!!!♥♥♥

  3. Merry Christmas Sue! Wonderful show and is that you in the picture at the top? Ann

  4. Merry Christmas Sue! I hope the day brings you rest, laughter and love! Mary


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!