
White Christmas Wednesday

The big day is almost here? Are you ready, are you prepared, are you relaxed and having the time of your life? It does get a bit hectic right before Christmas, but once the big day arrives it is all worth it!! This White Wednesday I took a few pictures of some holiday whites around my house!

Please take the time to go visit Kathleen over at Faded Cottage! She is our gracious hostess of White Wednesdays! My wish to you all is to have a wonderful holiday. And remember, its not about "what" is on the  Christmas dinner table, but "who" is at that table! Take care.


  1. Hi Sue,
    Really great photos!!
    I just wanted to wish you and the girls and guys at Country Roads a very Merry Christmas. And please tell everyone, especially you, that I said thank you for always making my family and I always feel so welcome when we're in, we really appreciate it!!
    I hope all of your grand kids have a magical Christmas.

  2. Great vintage decor for Christmas Sue.
    Merry Christmas hope you find some time to relax and enjoy it with your family.

  3. Sue,
    love your post!
    Buon Natale my friend. Ciao Rita

  4. Everything in your shop is always so interesting to see. Hope you have a very Merry Christmas, T


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!