
Are You Ready?

Here I sit on a Friday night going through my Christmas check list to make sure I'm on schedule and have got everything done! Have I missed anything? Let me think, considering there are SO many things to think about this time of year!

The tree ended up getting decorating even though I couldn't find my ornaments! I know they are up in the loft in the garage somewhere but I HATE going up there! A quick trip last week to Target for some ornaments fixed that problem. I kind of missed the old ornaments I use every year, but hey, this was easier! I finished wrapping ALL the Christmas presents today. This is a first for me. Usually I'm up late on Christmas Eve night doing that!!

The stockings are hung on the fireplace. I did notice I forget to get Morgan a "regular" Christmas stocking this year since this isn't her first Christmas. The stockings that have Brande, Katie, and Bryce's name on them were made by my Mom. She made them for each of the kids first Christmas stocking for their first Christmas. Just looking at them still  warms my heart!

I got my Christmas present from Bryce early. So it's ready to light up my family room come Christmas morning. I'm getting excited, just like my little ones are.

My old harvest table is once again ready to serve Christmas breakfast! I've had so many holiday meals around this table. I got it out in the desert someplace for $150! The blue paint is original and it is square nailed. It seats eight and thankfully the grandkids are still small enough to pull up a chair or high chair!

I doubled checked and I do believe I have all the correct syrups for our Christmas pancake breakfast. Believe me, with this many in my family, I can't cook the pancakes fast enough!! I still enjoy it though.

And my Trader Joe lillies are just now getting ready to open. Their timing should be perfect with Christmas almost here.

The Christmas cards could use a bit organizing, but every time I walk by the pictures and notes from friends and family it makes me smile and I love looking at them. Actually, I'm probably the one that messes them up the most.

I just saw these recordable books from Hallmark.. They were sitting on my bed all day to remind me to record the stories in each of the books for Bodhi, Morgan and Riley. Hallmark should have done very well this Christmas on these books at $29.99 per book!

The lights are up on the house that Brande hung. I only blew them out once, accidently. Bryce stopped by to fix them for me. I was so bummed when I blew the fuse. Happy Bryce got them working again.

Well, I guess I am really all done preparing for the big day, except for the books, until the BIG day! Oh, I just remembered, I'm working tomorrow at Country Roads. I knew I was forgetting one little thing ;0)  It's okay, because I'm working with my family!

And while I've rambled on about everything I love about Christmas, I quickly want to mention something I saw on our Channel 7 Eyewitness News. It is a segment they are doing about "paying it forward". I guy from the news stands in a parking lot or on a street with a big sign that says, "Get $500 by Paying It Forward".  Many people just walk on by ignoring him. The segment I watch had a young woman stop and talk to the reporter. The catch is you can have the $500 if you will "pay it forward", meaning giving it to someone that really needs it. Then the news continues to follow the girl, who knew right away, who she wanted to give the money to! It was a very touching moment as I noticed a tear or two rolling down my cheek! My parents, pictured above, many years ago, always had hearts of gold when it came to giving when they could. That was a wonderful lesson about life that they taught myself and my sister! As we are out an about the next couple of days, it only takes a smile, a couple of dollars, to make a big difference in someone's life, especially during the holidays! And hey, if you still need to do some last minute shopping, Country Roads will be open tomorrow,  Christmas Eve day, from 10am to 4pm. And myself, Katie, Bryce and Matt will be there to assist you! To all of you please have a wonderful holiday week-end. And as I always say, "it's not about what's on the table to eat, but WHO is at the table.  Merry Christmas!


  1. Hi Sue,
    I love your new light from Bryce, it is awesome!!! What a great family you have. I always wanted to be apart of a big family when I was younger, it was just me growing up, so I am so happy that my boys have each other!!
    I hope you and your family have a wonderful and very happy Christmas!!

  2. Great post Sue. What a sweet pic of your parents. Your early Christmas present is awesome. Merry Christmas!

  3. And the King shall answer and say, Verily I say unto you, Insomuch as ye have done it unto one the least of these my brethren, ye have have done it unto me.~Matthew 25:40
    Merry Christmas Sue. Your cup...and table...runneth over.

  4. Merry Christmas. Sweet Sue you bless me with your sharing and kind comments. Happy 2012 to you and your beautiful family.

  5. I love the tour of your warm and cozy cottage at Christmas! I hope there is room for me at your table for breakfast, All those syrup choices made my mouth water for your pancakes :) Give everyone a big Christmas hello and hug from me!!! XO Christie

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