
White Wednesday

Happy "White Wednesday" to one and all! Here we are again, on the last Wednesday of November. The time has really raced by this year. We have such a variety of "whites" at Country Roads right now. I tried to pick not only a few of my favorite things, but things that were a bit different as well. Hope you like the pictures!

I am always amazed at how many different displays and styles we have going on at Country Roads. The best part is that you are bound to find something you like. It makes it tough to leave empty handed! Please join my friend Kathleen over at Faded Charm who graciously hosts "White Wednesday" every week! Thanks Kathleen, I sincerely appreciate it! I hope you all have a great week!


  1. Dear Santa,

    All I want for Christmas is to shop at Country Roads. Oh, yeah...and spending money!



  2. Hi~ Found you over at White Wednesday. LOVE the Christmas tree and wreath!

  3. Beautiful displays. That large piece with the multiple drawers made my heart skip a beat.

  4. I seriously can't believe that a year has passed.
    It went by (except the summer) in the blink of an eye.
    The store is looking very christmasy
    one of these days I will make it to cali for the holidays.
    I would love to see Old Town dressed for the holidays
    I bet it screams vintage Christmas.

  5. I so want that White Locker with the handles! *Winks* Nowhere to put it of coarse... but I still want it! *LOL*

    Dawn... The Bohemian

  6. I left a comment last night, but it said there was an "error" and looks like it didn't go through. Just wanted to say, sorry for not commenting as much lately...busy, busy, busy...aren't we all:-)

    Lovely whites today. Wish I could see the store in person this time of year:-)



Your words are always appreciated, thanks!