
Lookin' Good!

I have to admit that there are several dealers at Country Roads that I'm always anxious to see what they have put together when they come in. Sue Lennon is one of these dealers. Although she isn't quite finished, and I hear there is a couch coming in that matches the chairs, I thought I would post some pictures anyway. The lights on the left are made out of air filters. They definitely have a one of a kind look! Here are a few more pictures to enjoy!

I love how these three big lights make a statement of their own. Especially for me, depending on the angle I look at them. I believe the couch that matches the chairs is on its way in to Country Roads any day now! The old vintage sheet music on the wall is also a new addition. I'm liking the way it all looks!! 


  1. Looks fantastic! Can't wait to see the couch.

  2. I only got two words for her lighting...brilliantly illuminating!

  3. How can you not like it or be proud of it? Looks so fab!!!!

  4. we have purchased a tall industrial desk from her as well as a few accessories.....always love to see what is coming next from her.....uhhhmazingly creative!!

  5. love her space, it is always a must see.
    She always has the best industrial mix.
    big and small.

  6. Cool beans... can't wait to see all this with my own eyes soon. Ann

  7. Hi Sue...her space is just fabulous! Thanks for showing us!


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