
Work Spaces

I love when I see pictures of peoples work spaces, studio's, offices, or whatever else they name them. Everything is always SO neat, organized, and put together. I always hope for that in my home office, but it just never quite happens that way.  This is the first room in my house that I spend some time in the mornings after I get up, and the last place I am before going to bed. I'm always working on something. Thus, the piles of stuff stacked everywhere. But my thoughts are, I'm not the only one out there that has stuff everywhere in the room I work! I make it a point to surround myself in this room with things that I love. I still need to get burlap back over the popcorn ceiling from the previous owners, and moulding up. But hey, some day, some day I will! And if you notice two computers, I just got a Mac and I'm trying REALLY hard to ween myself off my old Dell pc which is a disaster!!

This long basket with compartments I just got and it is perfect for what I need. Katie grabbed it first at Country Roads and lucky for me it didn't work for her! It lessens my stacks of  stuff! I also try to keep all the pictures and memories around me here. You may notice that my office assistants (my three cats) are no longer in this room. When Bryce and his family moved to their own place, I kicked them out. They still haven't recovered from being banned in here!  It's nice as I work to be surrounded by smiling faces of my grandkids and many other things that warm my heart that I keep all over the walls in this room! Speaking of warming my heart. . .it would really warm it to finish everything I have to get done today. Oh well, it's not a neat & tidy room, but it is a room that I've surrounded myself with things that make me feel good! Have a great day!!


  1. Love that Coke sign--there is so many interesting things to look at!

  2. WOW! what a wonderfully inspired office. I can see how you inspire CR and CR inspires you!! Have a super weekend.

  3. I love your office space, Sue. And your chair! Terrific! Ann

  4. Sue what a great post, I LOVE all of the industrial in your work space!!!

    See you soon

  5. Hi Sue,
    I think your work space is fantastic!!! I wish I had a room like this I could go to to get some work done. My computer sits in my living room, so when I'm working the kiddos run around screaming!
    I love all the industrial touches in your room and I especially love the clerks door that leads to your office.
    Hope your doing well and have a great weekend.

  6. Hey Sue, love your work space. I love all the yummy stuff, Bye the way did you notice the two hands on the file cabinet ??? Look at the one on the left...I thinks it's funny... Did you know that it was like that..LOL...

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