
Monday Morning Eye Candy

I'm always going on and on about how Country Roads has something for everyone. I know, you here it all the time. I didn't have much time for picture taking these past three days because we were "slammed" with so many great customers shopping our sale! I did manage to escape the counter a couple of times to take the pictures below. 

I love these old country grain measures pictured above. You don't see them like you use to. Again, thank you to everyone that stopped by Country Roads to shop. And "shop" you did! So what does all that mean? Our Country Roads family will all be busy this week bringing in more great stuff!! They really are the best. I know I always say this, but I love that we have something for everyone at Country Roads! I wish you all a happy Monday! Take care.


  1. You are just trying to drive me crazy, aren't you? Vintage photos in almost every picture had me reeling! So glad you had a kick ass three day sale! You work hard and you and your vendors deserve all the success you get!



Your words are always appreciated, thanks!