
Happy Birthday Bryce!

In the blink of an eye, my youngest, Bryce is 28 years old today! I'm not sure how that happened. I look at the picture above as he gets ready to blow out the candles on his birthday cake, and it really seems like it was just yesterday!

Even as a kid, Bryce had the same heart and love for a stray animal. That was Casey the cat way back when!

The first fish my boy Bryce ever caught in Lake Tahoe!

Bryce loved, and actually still does, to torture his sisters anyway he can!!

Bryce & Justine on their wedding day in Vegas. Not sure "why" he's not smiling!

The best role I've ever seen my son be is a Daddy and a Uncle! All my little ones love him!

You know, time really does pass in the blink of an eye! I'm proud of the person my son has grown up to be. He is always there for those in need, and the kid has a good heart. Happy Birthday Bryce, I love you!


  1. What a beautiful birthday tribute to Bryce Sue!! I don't know Bryce well, but every time I'm in the store he is always willing to help without even being asked. He really does have a very kind soul. I would be proud of him too if he were my son.
    Happy Birthday Bryce!!

  2. Happy Birthday Bryce!!!! Have a super day!

  3. Happy Birthday to Bryce. I love all the pictures, especially the ones with the kids! He is a little older than my son (a year), but The Writer had that same Batman shirt back in the day too! Ann

  4. Happy Birthday Bryce! (I fished at that very same fishing hole in Lake Tahoe, when I was a kid!) :O)

  5. As much as I enjoy your posts on "the store" I have to say that your family posts are my favorite.
    It warms my heart to hear you speak of your kids and your grandkids, you can truly feel your love and pride.
    My oldest daughter turned 28 in May and, like you, I am so very proud of the young lady she has become.
    I'm still looking forward to those grandkids someday but I know I must wait till she meets the right guy and gets married, so I wait.

    Happy Happy Birthday Bryce!!!


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!