
Sunday Morning Eye Candy

One of my favorites things about Country Roads is the many different contrasting looks in our displays. I think it illustrates the point that Country Roads does, indeed, have something for everyone!

Yesterday was one of those days that all of a sudden, out of no where at all, we got SLAMMED! It was great and when you finally get home at night, you really feel it. Needless to say, I slept very well last night thanks to all of our great customers. Thank you! So, let me put a question out to those of you that follow my blog. I need a new camera, badly. I keep buying the cheap point & shoot, and they work great for awhile, then they die! Does anyone have a recommendation of a good point & shoot that has a fast shutter speed? I want an auto focus but a camera that will let me shoot pictures rapidly. I hope you all have a wonderful Sunday, and hey, if you are looking for something to do today, we would love to have you stop by. Johnnye Merle Gardens just got a shipment of Annie's Annuals and also has great plants for your Fall gardens! Take care.


  1. Oh, I need to get in there at Country Road's and take some Fall pictures! And yes, I need to get myself over to Roger's Gardens too, so much fun and inspiration! :O)

  2. Great photos Sue! Sorry we didn't make it to your store. It seems like you had a busy Saturday too ;)
    Ciao Rita

  3. Love all of your pics!
    I got a Canon G12. So easy for a greenhorn like me! You can take several pics at one time-makes you feel like a pro! And auto-focus, if you want (which I do!). It was about $500 and oh, has it been worth it! I took it to Hawaii with me this last January and took over 1000 pics. All beautifully, clear photos. I went to the aquarium and took photos of the underwater life and it looked like I had gone under water to take the pics. Also a movie camera too. You can see them on my blog if you want.
    Good luck and I hope I helped a little.

  4. Hi Sue,
    Sorry I don't have an answer to your question...but I do want to wish Bryce a Happy Belated Birthday! Hope he enjoyed his special day...loved the pics you shared...especially the one with his sisters...LOL!!

  5. Sue, I can't help you with that. I have a Kodak Easyshare Z1015 and although I love it and takes great pictures is not very fast, but it also has a lot of settings that I never touch and maybe that is where the speed is...who knows!! CR looks as great s always!

  6. Hi Sue! I browse your blog often, drooling over the spaces I love. I make it out when I can. I was so glad I was out for the women's seminar (Launch Your Creativity) on the 1st. I was so happy to score that black and white vintage train case from Melinda! Love the recent dealer additions and rearranging in the store. Always a unique shopping experience at CR!


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!