
Halloween Is Creeping Out!

Halloween is slowly creeping its way out at my home! My old stepback cupboard that is filled with the old paper mache jack o'lanterns are making their way out and decorating the house! They aren't the only Halloween stuff that is creeping out and finding a spot to shine. A few other things have joined in!!

I had to include this photo of MY pumpkins again. They are sitting on my front porch, and every time I walk by them I am truly amazed that I grew them from a seed! Amazing what nature produces for us all. If you happen to be looking for some Halloween items of your own, Country Roads is full of them!!

1 comment:

  1. You have some wonderful halloween goodies! Happy birthday to Bryce! I know what you mean about time passing quickly, my oldest will be 20 in November, how did that happen? karen....


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