
White Wednesday

On this "White Wednesday" I thought I'd share my "I'd Rather Be In the Islands" cabinet! What does that mean? There is a part of me that could totally live a very simple carefree life somewhere on the island of Maui! I haven't been since Brande took me back in 2006, but before that I was blessed to get to go several times. I fell in love with their beaches, blue skies, rainbows, and the ocean. I miss it. Our beaches and oceans here aren't even close to the ones in the Hawaiian Islands. Below are some of my favorite little collections that I picked up while on vacation and out here in CA as well!

Although Fall won't arrive until the 29th of this month, I'm preparing to say good-bye to the Summer and the beach. Of course if we were in the islands of Hawaii, we could enjoy beach weather all year round, sigh! I hope you stop by Kathleen's blog over at Faded Charm and see not only her beautiful blog, but what blog she is featuring this week. I hope the rest of you enjoy these last few weeks of Summer! Take care.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sue,
    Your collection is so wonderful. I love the Hula Lady heads, those are great finds. Are they vintage?
    I've been to Hawaii only once about a million years ago for my high school graduation present. I had the best time and we got to do the most amazing things like snorkeling and hiking around a volcano. It truly is so beautiful there.
    Hope you have great night.


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!