
I Love This Time of Year!

It always feels like Fall when you go to Trader Joe's and they have their "pumpkin sticks" for sale! I just love these and can't resist each year. I will end up buying a few more bunches each time I go to Trader Joe's! They just make me feel like Fall.  The past couple of nights the moon has been so full and reminds me of the "harvest moon" that I love.  I try not to pull out all my Halloween stuff out until October, but I just couldn't resist today. I only pulled out a few little things for now. But I am anxiously awaiting to get the rest out.

I "love" vintage Halloween and as you can see my old green stepback cupboard is just waiting to open its doors and let my old vintage jack o lanterns escape! I usually add the funeral sign above into on of the little vignettes around my house. And I'm watching my pumpkins close and I know in my heart they are almost done growing. It has been a fun process and it will be nice this year to have my own homegrown pumpkins. I hope you are all enjoying Fall as much as I am! Take care.


  1. What an amazing vintage Halloween collection you have, it's wonderful!!
    I haven't even unpacked any of my Fall decor yet, which is really unusual for me. Usually by the end of August I'm ready to decorate.
    Hope you have a great night.

  2. Loving those pumpkins on a stick! Our TJ's is almost an hour away, but that might not stop me from picking me up some of these!

    I am loving your funeral sign. I must find something like that somewhere. Perfect decor for Halloween!

    I cannot wait any longer and am getting my Halloween out on Friday. This is actually later than I usually get it out. In fact last year at this time it was all out!

    I'll bet Ellen has already rec'd my collection of auto corrects. I'm so going back to those when I need a chuckle!


  3. Love the pumpkin sticks, I've never seen those before, guess I'll have to check out my Trader Joes this week.


  4. I love the colors of fall and decorating for Halloween is just the best. You've got a great collection.
    P.S. Fall...what is fall?

  5. Oh my gosh Sue! You have such a great vintage Halloween collection!
    I only have a few vintage pieces but have been in some fun swaps and have gotten some great pieces from wonderful artists!
    I am ready to get out my fall stuff and decorate! karen...

  6. For me, Fall is BEST time of year and Halloween is my favorite holiday! Some people think I'm weird because I say that, but oh well!!! LOVE the funeral sign!!!


  7. Sue, there's always something pretty to look at in your shop. In response to your comment, it was embarrasing to have a friend say she rec'd a porn email from me. Those hackers make me so mad!!! Have a great Friday and weekend, T


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!