
Wiped Out Monday!

So, today I have been totally wiped out from the past few days working at Country Roads. Don't get me wrong, it is a very rewarding feeling to have. But nonetheless, I never quite accomplish as much as I want on my never ending lists I make when I feel this way. Sometimes when we continue to keep so busy it spooks me. I can't quite explain it, I guess it is because I try to over anyalize it rather than going with the flow? Apparently that is just the way I'm wired. I have a few pictures to share today, but not as many as I would have liked to. Why? Because my awesome customers kept me busy!

I'm very grateful for how hard my Country Roads family works to inspire all of us! Today we had buyers from Disneyland in. That is always a really nice thing to have happen and they are always the nicest people ever! Speaking of nice people, I had a customer yesterday purchase something over the phone that she saw on this blog. When she came in to pick it up, she was telling me how much she loved to shop at Country Roads. Then she continued to tell me that her kids had told her that, "hey, we get why you like to shop at Country Roads. . .it's like when we get to go to Disneyland. It's like your Disneyland"! Thank you so much for that compliment, it just made my day. Again, my customers are what keep myself and all of us working so hard at what we do. Your kind words mean the world to us, thank you!


  1. I love that story! Finding treasures is like going Disneyland to me! Those doors and numbers are awesome... t.xoxoxo

  2. I love that story! Finding treasures is like going Disneyland to me! Those doors and numbers are awesome... t.xoxoxo

  3. Getting compared to Disneyland: does it get any better than that?????


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!