
A Day To Recover!

I have to be honest. Between the Street Faire all week-end, and then our big Labor Day sale on Monday, it's taken me ALL day to recover. I have never seen the Street Faire so crowded in all my years down here in Old Towne. And our sale? I do believe this has to be one of the best Labor Day sales we have ever had.  I have all of our great customers to thank for that! Today, I ran a couple of errands and that was about it. I really did need a whole day to recover from the past few days. With all that said, I know I'm not alone when it comes to my home and decorating. Just like those of us in this business, when we put together little vignettes at our stores, I know many of you do the same thing in your homes as well. Since I didn't have any time to take pictures at Country Roads the past few days, I thought I would share a few of my own vignettes that I have in my home. I love grouping stuff together, and everyone once in awhile, I will pause and look at a collection of something I have. There is just something special about our stuff!

Stuff, we love our stuff, don't we? I'm going to bed early tonight because tomorrow morning I am going to walk to school with Riley for her first day of kindergarden. I'm not sure how this milestone happened so quickly, but all I know is I wouldn't miss it for anything! Again, "thank you"  all for shopping with us during our sale. You are the best of the best customers, and I'm grateful for your business!


  1. awww, I love that image in my head of you walking Riley to her first day of kindergarten. Oh I want to cry for you.
    I can't even imagine how tired you are.
    what a weekend for ya.
    Get some sleep!

  2. Okay I sympathize but I am so glad you do what you do....and she it all with us.

    My favorite image,beyond little hands which are adorable, is that parrot planter.. LOVE it.

    Hugs. Hope you had a chance to pamper yourself.

  3. I just love all of your collections Sue! And yes, we do love our collections! :)
    Good luck to Riley and Grandma on the first day of kindergarten. It seems like yesterday that I was taking my Jayden to kindergarten, and now, he will be starting the 2nd grade on Thursday. My baby is growing up so fast! Now I'm going to cry.
    She'll have so much fun in kindergarten!!
    Have a great week.

  4. You certainly do have some great collections, but for me the best one? That pair of hands collected in the frame...says it all about memories to be treasured.
    Just doesn't seem like she should be starting school. Where does the time go?

  5. Good job with all you vignettes, I love the old paintbrushes, and especially the pictures of the adorable little hands. Have fun walking Riley to kindergarten---how special :)

  6. Get some rest! You deserve it!

    By the way, do you want to sell that pricing thingy?



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