
CR's Big Labor Day Sale!

For those of you that have never been to the Orange International Street Faire, I wanted to post some pictures that show you just how crowded this thing gets. I took these pictures "inside" of the store! There was no way I was going outside in the crowd. Yesi was telling me some of the stuff she saw on Saturday night when she decided to walk around after we closed. One girl, in a little dress and heels, stepped out of a portable restroom, missed the step and landed flat on her face. She just jumped up and pretended it didn't happen and walked away! Another guy stepped off the curb, fell face first, and decided the street felt like his bed and just laid there. Yep, it is never boring at the Street Faire. Here are just a few pictures I took inside of "the store"!

A special "thank you" to Yesi for battling the crowds at the end of the day yesterday to get us some "refreshments"! Actually, I had two "refreshments" which helped me have no problem whatsoever in telling the lingering people at the end of the day after we had closed that it was time to go! Another Street Faire week-end done, finished, GONE! Today when I go back to "the store" it is like the Street Faire never happened, except for a little bit of the lingering smell. Everything is gone, they pressure wash the streets, and all is better, and their is free parking everywhere! Yesterday was really a tough one. I think because the weather was so cool that it brought many more people out. I think what I remember the most about this week-end,  were all the special customers that KNEW our bathroom was closed but gave it a shot anyway. There was a wide variety of "why" they should get to use it. Many complained that they just couldn't "go" in a portable, many used their kids as decoys to let them in, and some played causal, "hey, you have a bathroom, do you mind if I use it?" Thankfully, the Street Faire is just a memory now and we can focus on our really big sale today. I posted this slide show about a week ago. If you didn't get a chance to see in, click "HERE"  to give you an idea of what just may be on sale at Country Roads today. I look forward to seeing you!

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear you survived!
    There is no way I would want to be in that crowd.
    but I am sure business will be booming today!!!
    Have a great day!


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