
Country Roads Randomness


I finally have had a chance to post some pictures of just a small selection of stuff that caught my eye yesterday. I know I always say this, but displays and merchandise change so fast at Country Roads. I am very fortunate to be able to work with such a talented group of people. Below are just a few of the many, many great things you can now find at Country Roads!

We were SLAMMED yesterday and I have no idea why! It was so random since we have been having a heat wave the past few days. I love to work when we are busy like this and I'm also so appreciative of everyone that shopped with us yesterday. The weather is much cooler today than it has been. One of my a/c's has been out in the last building of the store. And then a couple of days ago, my a/c went out at home. Of course it was nothing minor, the compressor has to be replaced. Thankfully today, I  feel the breeze coming in from the ocean and our temperatures are closer to what they should be for this time of year. For my friends in Texas, I don't know how you guys do it! Seriously, with all the heat you've had the past two months or so!! We've got the week-end coming up, the a/c in the last store should be fixed today, and as always, my Country Roads family has been working hard to bring you the best of the best, regardless of the weather. I hope you have time to stop by and see us. Take care.

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