
My Garden

Just when I think my pumpkins are pretty much done, they surprise me! The vine is everywhere, even though it is starting to die back.  Just the other day I noticed a new baby pumpkin (below) starting to grow. The vine has stretched across the front yard in all directions. So, I guess it I will give it some more time. I have to admit, I get excited when I see the pumpkins. I grew them from seed! Brande had told me to soak the seeds first between wet paper towels, and then plant them. She was right. I know a lot of my garden will have to be cut back soon, but I still am enjoying it!

I love hollyhocks. They are so easy to grow as well. Each year they just pop up in random places. I haven't planted seeds or anything else. They are just free spirits, growing wherever they feel like it. I hope you have time to stop by and see us over the week-end. Our gardens are looking good, and Johnnye Merle's nursery out back has some great plants in right now. Be sure to check it out!


  1. How cute those baby pumpkins are! I never had a green thumb, now living in the apartment I have a big balcony with plenty space for flowers but don't know where to start!!! I look at my neighbor's and get ideas but that is not enough... Although I think pumpkins are out of the question!!! LOL!!!

  2. I love your cute little pumpkins!! Isn't it fun to grow something from seed, it's truly amazing!
    Have a great weekend.

  3. Pumpkins and Hollyhocks. Both in my top ten favorites.

  4. Wow! You've got an impressive garden! Congrats on it!

  5. Those pumpkins are getting ready for the pot! You got one nice garden. I am getting ready for my harvest this month and am quite excited about it.

  6. Nice pumpkin! You've done it well, it's good to know that even the vine of it is dying already there still one growing. I never had a pumpkin like this before.


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