
Why I Love Country Roads!

It's starting to fell a whole lot like Summer at my favorite place. I thought I would share just a few things that caught my eye at Country Roads!

Country Roads. . . "always your favorite, never the same"!


  1. Oh this looks like such an awesome place. I could probably spend half a day looking around in this store!!

  2. I need that Man Working Above sign over my bed! Did I say that? I think not! Who said that?

  3. So many good things about that place, I already miss it :)
    If I only had a home in Cali, it would surely be decorated all from your shop.
    PS I see how you just cut the heads off the dolls in that pic of one of my favorite booths, lol.
    Sad, I didn't see any dolls or parts that needed to come home with me this time around, Next time I am sure ;)

  4. Oh, the beauty of this blog! Just love everything on here. I grabbed your button for my blog and will visit you often. :)

  5. Beautiful as always... and there's always a gorgeous dress form. One day, one day... I will have one of those beauties!
    Have a beautiful day, Sue!

  6. I know why I LOVE Country Roads.......Because it ROCKS!, it is ONE-OF-A-KIND and it has an AWESOME staff!!!!


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!