
Our Johnnye Merle Gardens or Where I Go Hide!

I love to step out our back doors at Country Roads into our garden! It's filled not only with Johnnye Merle plants, that include a wide variety of plants including succulents, Annie's Annuals, and many more, but it's just a really cool little place to visit. It was built on top of asphalt about 18 or 19 years ago. If I'm having one of "those" days, I leave the counter with the promise of, "I'll be right back", then head out the back door to the garden. It is a great place to gather your thoughts, to breathe, and to forget what one of your customers may have just said to you. And as I always say, it is also a place filled with memories for me. I took some random pictures the other day when I was out there for a little escape from reality!

I've also filled my gardens at home with so many plants from Johnnye Merle's. It's nice to find plants that are different than what you find everywhere else. Next time you come to shop with us, I hope you  remember to go visit "the garden", it is pretty spectacular!  Take care.


  1. I wish I had a green thumb and that I wasn't allergic to everything plant like.
    I would love to have a ton of plants in our backyard.
    since we up rooted everything this year I have not had even a sniffle.

  2. Whew....I love that Rooster. My garden is full of lovely plants from Country Roads and just as many memories.

  3. I love the hotel patio umbrella. You can try to hide it...but I Spy!

  4. I could play hide and seek out there with the kids! That would be fun! Yep, Trash Talk spied that hotel umbrella...so did I. Love the way you used it! Cool goat, too!

    Baa, Baa (Bye, Bye)



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