
White Wednesday at CR

Here we are with the first "White Wednesday" of summer! It is really hard to believe that summer has arrived already. The kids are out of school, the 4th of July is around the corner, and time marches on! I happen to be working at "the store" the other day, when Loretta came in to do a total makeovers in two parts of the store. And the results, as you will see below, are pretty stunning!

I hope we all find time some extra time to kick back and enjoy these lazy days of Summer. It is still a bit chilly for the beach, but is absolutely beautiful out. I just got home from there actually. Be sure to stop by and visit  Kathleen and see what awesome "whites" she is posting this week. Take care.


  1. Looks wonderful and so beachy!
    We have had a great first day of Summer here and can't wait to enjoy the rest with family back home and have a real summer!
    I can't wait to show Brooklyn fireflies in the night sky.
    Who knows maybe we will even catch a few in a jar.
    And to go swimming in the pool I grew up going to every summer day.
    Aah, I can picture it all now.
    Relaxing and beautiful.
    Enjoy yours too, I am sure you will have the grandbabies in the pool soon enough.

  2. I am buying all of my three grandkids chocolate ice cream cones and then come visit Country Roads and put our little hands on all those lovely white items! Who knows...might get a good discount! :)


  3. Coming over to say Hello from Faded Charm...I know it's "white Wednesday" but I love that red striped pillow-so darling! xoxo tracie

  4. Such beautiful things, makes me want to move in! Celeste, victoriantailor.com

  5. Hi Sue,
    Thanks for all the photos, I appreciate it! I have been so busy lately, I haven't had a chance to enjoy summer yet. working, working, a mothers work is never done.
    the store looks good!
    take care,


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!