
My Busy Week-end!

My week-end started by getting to know our new kitty rescues at Country Roads! Bryce had finally caught the kittens that had been in the garden on Friday. Each year we have kittens in our gardens at CR because people are bad pet owners and don't understand the importance of getting their animals spayed & neutered! Spot & Blackie, my names for our new kitties, are bigger than most we rescue so they are still a bit spooked. Especially Spot, who after Kristi was so nice to go out and buy them a little rug, some cat food, and cat litter, took a few swings at her when she picked him up. Today they are a little tamer, but not quite ready to sit on the counter for adoption. And these two will HAVE to be adopted together. We were SLAMMED on Saturday which always makes me happy. Thank you to everyone that shopped with us. I really appreciated your business!

We had a little family birthday party for me, a couple of days ahead on Saturday night. I was lucky to have so much help from Riley and Morgan to help me blow out the candles on my birthday cake!

Morgan wanted a better view of the cake! And my sister and her partner, Linda, brought not only the cake, but a whole Mexican food dinner. It was great and so thoughtful of them.

Taking a break after dinner and cake you find Riley, Morgan and Bryce relaxing. Riley and Bryce really don't have red eyes, not sure what happened to my remove the red eye button! They have blue eyes in case you are wondering!

Bodhi spilled something all over his shirt early in the evening. That's pretty much the norm for my little guy. He was having a great time and of course this baby boy will eat anything. You really have to watch him. Katie said the other day he was eating "cat crunchies" at her house. I told you, he will eat anything!!

This morning, while working at Country Roads, I got a surprise visit and another early birthday present from my good friend, Christie Repasy. I was so happy to see her and her son. Christie and I go way back, sharing some similar divorce stories we went through at the same time. Not only was it nice to see her, but she came with a birthday present in hand as well!

Most people know Christie from all of her beautiful rose paintings. My favorite painting are the ones of the beach. The one she gave me for my birthday I had never seen before. For those of you that are familiar with Crystal Cove, right before you drive into Laguna Beach on PCH, that is what you see in her painting above. To say I love it would be and understatement. Plus, just seeing Christie was really great as well!

After working a crazy "BSC" Sunday and being really tired, I walk in my front door and you can see above what I saw! And of course that thing scared the crap out of me. Bryce had been to Vet's Flea Market this morning. And "my boy Bryce" has this thing about buying taxidermy and then putting it on a display case that is right by the front door when you come in the house. I think I have had the crap scared out of me over the years by that thing above, a beaver, and a monkey head, just to name a few! Thanks Bryce for the memories!!

I was anxious to hang Christie's painting in my bedroom with some of her other painting I have. Morgan followed me in my room and we had a little chat as she played with the starfish and talked to our dog Sally!

I guess Morgan decided she would start re-arranging my paintings for me. Thankfully she is still "short" and couldn't reach them all ;0)

Christie's new painting is on the top upper left of the picture. Another older one I have is right below it, and another smaller one is at the top right! As I said, most people know Christie by her rose paintings, which I love, but her beach paintings tug at my heart a bit more!

The framed painting above is the one Christie did and the Sawdust Festival used it as their poster that Summer. It is another one of my favorites!

When we were getting ready to close today, I happen to see this old soda bottle with a starfish on it. It was priced very reasonably, so yes, I treated myself to it! It's been a long week-end, but one filled with a lot of nice memories of the people in my life! I know in my heart how blessed I am to have my family and friends. They all mean the world to me!


  1. Happy, Happy birthday sweet Sue!!!
    I love your painting, and I recognize that area, it's truly beautiful, what a wonderful gift!!!
    I hope you have an amazing and joyous year!

  2. Happy Birthday!! Love this post, looks like a fun time. Your grandchildren are sooooooo adorable. The picture from Christie is fabulous, and the kittens look are so cute, and I love that starfish bottle. I can understand the "animal" from Bryce scared you, especially when you were not expecting it to be there. My sister moved a hat rack temporarily into the living room and that night when I walked out to the kitchen, I almost screamed--it looked like someone ominous was standing there : ) Hope you have a wonderful, restful, and rewarding birthday, Jeanette

  3. Happy Bday Sue,
    wish I would have known I would have bought you a drink or a case, LOL
    OOO, good think I didn't see these kitties behind the counter, I would loved to have brought them home. Blackie is my dream kitty.
    I had a great time as always wandering the shop, hope to see you in the late summer to try again.
    Take care

  4. Oh Happy Birthday Sue! It looks like you had a good time and your sister bringing the Mexican food was a great idea. You can never go wrong with Mexican food, it's the best! And wow, Christie is really a talented artist,especially to have her painting used by The Sawdust Festival.
    That's so kind of you to rescue those adorable little kittens, I hope that they find home soon. Take care, Mary :O)

  5. Happy Happy Birthday and many many more with good health, cheer, lovely friends and family.

    I grew up by the beach in North California so anything beach takes me to the days of my youth. Christie's paintings are amazing.

    In another life, I used to drive from Hoag where I worked to Laguna Niguel where I lived in my 1966 VW Bug.. The house and the Bug stayed with the ex but I still have my memories. Thank you for sharing so much of yourself.

  6. You are so loved by us all. I love the painting that Christie did for you. Have a wonderful birthday filled with love. I am so thankful to be part of your CR family and share in your life


  7. Wow...what an awesome birthday celebration. Wish I was closer...would have loved some beer and cake!
    Love the painting and I'd love to see the view for real.

  8. Happy Birthday Sue! I love your paintings...Christie is a wonderful artist and such a nice person! karen....

  9. What a marvelous birthday! In honor of your birthday, I have returned to the blogging world! Be sure to check it out!

    Happy Happy Birthday!


  10. Happy Birthday Sue! What a wonderful day you had with all the littles and your kids and sister. The painting is so beautiful and I well remember that bend in the road when we went to Laguna. I am most envious of the kitties as I would love to have one since I lost Susie, but Mr. T is reluctant at this point :( . I think I will keep him anyway. Ann

  11. Oh Sue, I could just kick myself in the head for wandering in yesterday and not knowing it was your birthday.
    I had been so preoccupied with Ken being in the hospital that I hadn't gone in to fluff my booth nor had I had a chance to get on the computer so I'm just now learning of your special day.
    I hope next year I'll get an invitation to your big "Four 0" celebration.

    Big Birthday HUG,

  12. HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!!!!!!!!!! I hope your day was GREAT!!


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