
What's Blooming?

I love this time of year in my garden. And how I so wish I had a big old plot of land to garden on! But as I tell everyone, I'm thankful to have the square that my house sits on that has given me a yard to at least have a small garden which I love. The white rosebush below is my all time favorite. The roses are both beautiful and fragrant, I couldn't ask for more. I'm amazed how everything seems to be blooming all at once. Here are just a few pictures of my favorite "blooms"!

I'm still having a love affair with my hollyhocks. I don't know what it is about them, but I love the  way they pop up each year. Sadly, this year I lost a few, but my hopes are to plant some more for next year in different colors. And of course my garden isn't complete without my favorite "garden heart" above. This week I'm linking up with Fish Tale Cottage for "Cottage Flora Thursday"! It's my first visit here. Be sure to stop by and check out all the beautiful gardens! Have a great Thursday.


  1. Your flowers look lovely Sue. I, also love hollyhocks and wish i could get more to grow. I think it's just too wet for them..thye like dry areas and I have them here and there where they come up by seed.

    Hopw you are taking time to enjoy Summer. We've had a few nice. warm days, but cooler and raining again today. Let's just say everything is VERY green!


  2. Enjoyed seeing your garden Sue, I love to walk around my garden at least once a week and take different photos as things progress. As for having more space, be careful what you wish for. As you know I have the two gardens now, love them both, but they are going to have to be more natural and survive on their own because I just can't do it all. Luckily I like a WiLd GaRden! Ha! Your Holly Hocks are beautiful and if you gather or purchase seeds right now and just toss them around (no planting necessary) you will have them coming up everywhere next spring... we even had them come up in the driveway Ha! I'm going to check out the link you posted, maybe I will join in... sounds fun ~ Jacque

  3. Sue, what a beautiful garden. I think I'm in love with your Hollyhocks too! Your roses are divine! Ann

  4. Lovely, Who can resist a picket fence!


  5. Hi Sue,

    The blue color of your house is beautiful and really sets the background for your gorgeous flowers!

    love your Hollyhocks

    1st time visitor from Fishtail cottage

  6. Just gorgeous Sue! Maybe you could add this to my link party!? Take care, Mary :O)

  7. Your roses are fabulous....
    Do you happen to know the name of them?
    Hope you have had a beautiful day

  8. I too love Hollyhocks! And against a white picket fence... well it doesn't get any better than that!

    Everything looks so fabulous in your gardens. And I really love that piece of metal furniture (chair? glider?) peaking out in the one photo... I love old metal lawn furniture.

    PS came over from Fishtail Cottage

  9. Thank you so much for linking up to Cottage Flora Thursday's at Fishtail Cottage! Enjoy seeinng your gardens this week! So fun to see theh progress of it all those hollyhocks are so gorgeous - love the color! xoxo, tracie


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