
White Wednesday at CR

With the 4th of July less than a week away, I thought the old pond boat above really captured that holiday feeling of the 4th and of Summer!  They use to race these old boats on ponds and lakes. I have this imagine of a little boy standing on a lake with his boat, while picnic tables are decorated and BBQ's are cooking! Anyway, here are a few other "White Wednesday" photos that caught my eye at Country Roads!

Please take the time to stop by Kathleen's blog and wish her a happy "White Wednesday"! I hope you all have a wonderful holiday week-end and have some time just relaxing and hanging out with friends and family. Country Roads will be open on both Saturday and Sunday, but closed on Monday for the 4th of July! The store is packed right now for your summer decorating. Hope to see many of you over the week-end! Take care.


  1. Thanks for posting that boat pic! :) Wish it was just a little smaller but I love it!

    Happy Wednesday!!

  2. Well don't see anything I would pass up BUT I love that cherub planter.
    Happy WW.

  3. I am with Francie - that cherub planter is stunning!! Happy White Wed! Heidi

  4. Coming over from Faded Charm - loving all the gorgeous goodies you shared...everything is so lovely! oxox, tracie

  5. Ooooh! Just never get tired of this look! Especially the little settee with the pillows in it, Celeste, The Victorian Tailor


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