
Summer at Country Roads

Sometimes a bunch of pictures are better than a bunch of my ramblings! So, today I'm sharing with you just a small selection of the things at Country Roads that remind us Summer and that this is 4th of July week-end!

We recently had all of our air conditioners serviced at "the store"! So it's nice and cool inside. The store always looks good but right now it is filled with things that remind me it's 4th of July week-end. I hope you have some time to stop by and see us this week-end. We always appreciate each and everyone of you. As I often say, "Country Roads has the best customers ever"! Happy 4th of July to you all. We will be closed Monday, one of only three days we close during the year. It is a time to hang out with the family. Take care.


  1. Awesome displays I just love all the eye candy!!

  2. What awesome stuff!

    (I can't believe that the little guy is almost one. How did that happen?)

  3. Looks like you guys are all decked out for the holiday. Have a safe one:-)


  4. Great summer stuff!
    Love the campground sign!!


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