
At Last, Some New CR Eye Candy!

So, at last, I have some fresh pictures of Country Roads! I have to confess though, my camera went to Country Roads, not me (thank you Bryce). I'm hoping to be back at work in the next day or so. As I probably mentioned before, I cannot remember a time I've been gone, away from my very favorite place this long in the past few years. Below are some random pictures that just illustrate the many different "looks & styles" we have here at Country Roads!

The above picture, is only a "peek" of the complete makeover Nancy just did with her space. I LOVE the Paris map behind the old window! I can't say it enough how very truly lucky I am to have such talent make up my Country Roads family. They are an exceptional group of people! Hope to see you over week-end, and don't forget we have a book signing on Sunday afternoon by Annie Sloan from 1-3pm!


  1. Eye candy is right! Glad you feel well enough to be back at work!

  2. aren't you just itching to get back there?
    I just loved that boxed display and totally got distracted by the leg and totally forgot to look at the boxes
    I always see so much in detail thru the photos and then get so giddy and overwhelmed when I get there.
    Hope you are feeling better by tomorrow so you can get back to your love.

  3. You always have the best eye candy...Sure wish you were closer, looks like one of our Texas Longhorns caught in the wrong pasture! Lezlee

  4. Wow, wow wow. Love it all, esp. the longhorn, OMG, just fabulous.

  5. Love it all as usual. I'm hoping to get over there tomorrow...I could use a little retail therapy!

  6. The Man would SO want that Steer Head! *winks* I'd want to put a Tiara on it with Mardi Gras Beads around it's neck... *smiles*

    Dawn... The Bohemian


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!