
White Wednesday

This "White Wednesday" finds me grounded at home! Let's see, I haven't been at Country Roads now for almost eight days! It has been a very long time since something has kept me away from the love of my life! But I have to say, this bronchitis stuff and it's friends have done a dandy job of keeping me at home. My bedroom faces my backyard which is mostly pool. I was born and raised in Southern California, and at heart, I'm a beach bum. A quick ten minute drive takes to the place I love the best, the beach!  My bedroom faces my backyard, and as I've sat in bed this week looking outside at my own little private "escape", I started noticing all of my loved & weathered "whites". I know I've got a few months before I can sit out here with a cold Corona and watch all the seagulls fly back to the beach, but I can dream of warmer days. I know many of you have plenty of your own "cold" whites on this Wednesday with all the snow. But hey, we are spoiled out here and we pay a dear price to live in the SoCal sunshine. Below are some of my favorite weathered "whites" just out my bedroom door!

I know Spring is just around the corner for us all, and I for one, am very excited about that! Enough of this cold for me!! Please stop by and visit one of my very favorite blogs that one of my very favorite people, Kathleen, writes. I hope this "White Wednesday" sends us all some bright sunshine our way! Take care.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Sue,
    Just catching up on reading my favorite blogs. At least being stuck in bed, you have really cool things to look at. I am really glad to hear you are "trying" to rest and follow doctor's orders. Your post of Bodhi is so precious, what a happy looking little guy. His pictures put a smile on my face :) So sorry to hear about your dear friend, Faith. Hard to make sense of some things--try to concentrate on the happy times/memories of her. Bless you, keep resting, and hope you are out and about in no time.

  3. now rthat is an AMAZING view.....lots of lovelies to catch ur eye!

  4. Girl, I tell you what. I will come sit in one of those comfy chairs by the pool and you can take a photo of me for the next White Wednesday! It will be the largest white thing you have ever featured! :)


  5. I hear ya on the sick thing. I have been sick for a week nosecongestion ,stopped up ears,chest congestion. In Texas everything is called a "Allergy". Yeah.That means they don't know what it is. Hope you get better. Like the photos. judy

  6. Hope you are feeling better very soon, Sue:)! I love your rustic, outdoor collection....makes me want to take a walk on the beach!

  7. Great Stuff!!! Love the "surf board" backdrop with the twin wooden chair/table...
    Jeanine, ChiPPy!-SHaBBy!

  8. 8 days...you must be going out of your mind having to sit still for that long.
    I love your pool area...very fun.

  9. love the new site, looks great!!!
    I can't wait for spring! I have been so busy, see you soon!!!
    stop by my blog today! you may get some calls about bedding!(:

  10. You have a fun backyard! Hope you are feeling better.

  11. Its a drag being stuck in one place day after day when you dream being out in life with others. At least you have a cool window and a view of your favorite things...yeah with the weather we just experienced in SoCal it will be awhile before that pool will be enjoyed,burr!
    Hope you are feeling better soon and back up and at em at CR's!
    I really missed chatting with ya!
    Take care

  12. Wow what an incredible collection you have. So much eye candy. I could browse for hours. Hope you are feeling better real soon.~~Sherry~~

  13. Hope you feeling better soon! Great pool area!

  14. What a great beach theme you have going! Love it! I can almost hear the sea gulls overhead!


  15. OMG you guys have the greatest finds... these Beach Treasures are FABULOUS! Even though you've been 'down' sick you have certainly kept working through the eyes of the lens, you can't keep a good Gal down really can you? *winks*

    Dawn... The Bohemian


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