
The Many Different Looks of CR!

Yesterday Katie took Bodhi to work with her to give me a few more hours of recouping. After I picked up Riley at pre-school, I headed out to "the store" to pick up Bodhi. It was SO nice to be back at CR! Josalyn  was also at the store because she missed school yesterday. When you ask this question, "Josalyn, why are you not at school today"? . She gets this face and stearnly says, "because they kicked me out, they kicked me out of school"!! In actuality, they did NOT kick Josalyn out of school! If I remember correctly, I think she had a slight fever. Watch this kid though because in the future you may find her doing stand up comedy on HBO!  She is truly  hysterical without even knowing it. Before I left with Riley & Bodhi, I took some pictures. The store, as always, looks great! Posted a few pictures to show you what I mean.

I saw this "Stayfree" vending machine at the store yesterday and it reminded me of the old Kotex machine I have at home. I thinking, "gee, buy this one, and find another, and then I will have a "collection" of sanitary napkin machines"! I chose to pass, but was tempted. I know I'm a bit prejudiced when I say this, but "the store" really does look good right now! I hope to see you over the week-end.  We are hosting a book signing on Sunday afternoon if you are out our way. See the side bar above. Hope to see you soon!!


  1. Your store always looks good. Happy Friday, T

  2. I miss it already!
    Soo funny you haven shown many things that I passed on, totally thought of the stayfree box too! LOL
    I definitely have to come back, I passed up way too much in my quick run thru.
    I just found that out the other day about the fever and school now. Sorta does feel like they are kicking kids out, what a smarty!!

  3. You know...I've "visited" the store so many times, I'm starting to recognize which booth belongs to who. Does that make me eligible to CR Family? Sure hope so!
    P.S. Wouldn't that make a great giveaway contest...Name That Booth?!?

  4. Think I might sign my book at your store next year! What do you think? Those are great pics! I LOVE the comment "They kicked me out of school"! Ha,ha,ha! That kid and I will get along fine!

  5. I'm glad that it sounds like you're feeling much better. I wonder what my husband would think if I started collecting Kotex machines-HA!

  6. The Kotex Collection had me LMAO! Now those are the kinds of finds you don't see every day! *LOL*

    Dawn... The Bohemian


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