
Enough Craziness

The world as we "use" to know has changed a bit the past few years, don't you think? So we all adjust, we all do our best to hang in there and stay positive. And believe me, I think being positive is what has kept my head from exploding the past few years. I'm one of these people that ALWAYS has something I have to do. I wake up in the mornings and I ask myself, "what's going on today", and it's followed by a big sigh because there is always something that needs to be taken care of. I much rather be doing something else, like NOTHING, playing with my babies, seeing a movie, you know, just regular stuff. What I find interesting when you are on overload, it isn't the big things you are dealing with that finally get to you, it is always something little that finally sets you off! The other day I noticed a puddle of water in my family room. I was sure it was from Morgan and her sippy cup since it was right near where she played. I wiped it up, not big deal! It's raining today, and this morning I noticed a puddle again. My ceiling in the family room is a big, tall open beam ceiling with skylights. I'm pretty sure (hoping) it's coming from the skylight and it can just be caulked. I need a new roof, along with many other things like everyone else. But in my frustration of the leaking roof, I found relief in the fact that I have a cement floor in my family room and until its fixed it isn't going to hurt anything. So, the moral of this blog post is in order for us to survive all the craziness in our world today, first, it is important that we stay a bit crazy ourselves (it throws others off & is entertaining) and we HAVE to stay positive. Like with my roof. It could be leaking right over my couch, but no, it's just on the cement floor where nothing is around it! So my friends, hold your head high as we ride out the rest of this year. I have a feeling there are better days ahead for us all. And, sorry Morgan for blaming you and your sippy cup for the puddle on the floor! Okay, time to put my "helmet" on and face the rest of the stuff I need to get done today. Take care.


  1. Don't forget the chin guard! That's the way I look at life too...half full, never half empty!
    It's so funny...my washing machine over ran and I thought the same thing...concrete floor. Get a repairman and we are good to go!

  2. ~*~ Love your honest post~ We are dealing with a leak in our basement..(that we spent $10,000 renovating a few months ago!!! UGH..do you know how many awesome shabby chippy treasures I could have bought with that $??!!!! Now half of it is ruined and needs to be torn out...oh well..Thankful for my family and other blessings!! HUGS~ Rachel ;)~*~

  3. Well said!! Now if I can only remember this the time I'm in overload.

  4. Helmet secure. Ready to enter world... Crazy Ann

  5. Aint it the truth? Every day brings a new emergency. But the good news is that we are still alive and hanging in here! Your positive attitude is one of your best traits. You keep going...no matter what. And you keep me going...whether I want to or not. I am so grateful for your ability to handle that puddle on the floor!


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!