
White Wednesday

It really has been feeling like Fall here in SoCal! We've been having some rain with a bit of cooler weather. I have to admit, it is kind of a nice change. For this "White Wednesday", I visited Loretta's spaces here at Country Roads. Many of you know Loretta from Full Bloom Cottage, and you also know that when she does a big make over, she doesn't mess around. You will soon see what I mean in the following pictures!

See what I mean about how great all the above displays are? Of course they look even better right after Loretta puts them together before everything has been handled by our customers. I hope you will all be sure to go see Kathleen who is the one behind our "White Wednesdays"! Have a wonderful week.


  1. Wow Sue!!! Amazing white treasures~*thanks for sharing!~*~*Hugs,Rachel :)

  2. Hi Sue,
    Thank your for the lovely white wednesday post! Your pictures are so nice! I was so worried I wouldn't finish the room that day, but I brought in just enough goodies to fill both rooms perfectly! I am enjoying having a whole room to myself @ CR!!!
    Thanks always, for all that you do!

  3. What a lovely space!

    We need rain here so bad! If we had a wind storm it would blow KY off the map! LOL!


  4. So many pretty things Sue. I bet it's hard to work in such lovely surroundings, NOT! I would be on inspirational overload if I stayed in your shop all day. Have a great WW!

  5. Happy White Wednesday Sue!

    I love looking at these displays!!

    Thank you!!

  6. Who wouldn't love her style? It's simply amazing. Glad you're enjoying your cooler temps. I'm afraid our stretch of nice weather is coming to an end and drear and rain in the forcast......only for the next 9 months:(

    Take care,


  7. Her inventory is just something to see. I'd probably want to set the checkout in her booth and never leave!

  8. That is mighty purty! Remind me not to bring Lurch to her booth while he is eating a chocolate ice cream cone!


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