
Got A Few Minutes?

Want to know what is new and exciting at Country Roads? I could spend time telling you all about the great stuff that is now in "the store", the awesome display, the great prices, all the new plants in the garden, etc. But instead, I thought I would share some great eye candy today on a slide show I put together for you this morning. Be sure to turn up your speakers as you watch it. I LOVE Michael Franti' music, so I thought I would also share that with you. And remember, if you see something you just can't live without give us a call (714.532.3041)! We would be happy to "charge it" over the phone for you! Okay, enjoy the show!!
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  1. The window looks fantastic! Isn't it impossible to get a really clear shot with the glare? When you get that one figured out, let me know...'kay?

  2. Magnifico, thank you Sue. Have a great week. Ciao Rita mammabellarte


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!