
I Love The Beach!

I've always loved the beach, the ocean and just that "feeling" that comes with it. I can't really put it into words, but if you love the beach and ocean like I do, you will know exactly what I mean. Brande is home again after being out on tour with Arcade Fire doing fundraising for the band. We took Riley to her swim lesson this afternoon, then we were off to the beach! I hate to say this, but those of you that live here know we haven't had much of a summer. It could have been warmer today, but hey, I'm not complaining!! Really, I'm not. Before we hit the sand, we decided to take the long walk down the pier to Ruby's for lunch. Riley, being Riley, always says, "it is SO far". I guess if you are a little kid you might think that, but there is so much to see along the way. She stopped to pose with the little seal statue that has beenin that spot there for years. As we neared Ruby's, which sits at the very end of the pier, we noticed fisherman starting to run around talking about catching a shark. I was a bit surprised that there would be any kind of shark nearby. Uusally they just catch little fish. The picture above is the kinder, gentler photo of the poor shark. As is, I don't eat meat but I do eat fish. After seeing the shark today and what happened to it, I may be giving up fish soon as well! After lunch we headed down to the sand. I love the old Seal Beach pier. I'm not exactly sure how long its been there, but I know it's been there for quite some time. So many beach communities today are turning into fancy "Surf City's" like Huntington Beach. What I love about Seal Beach is it still remains the same. Small, a bit historic where not a whole lot has changed since I was a little kid like Riley hanging out at the beach!
There is the greatest little playground in the sand on the beach. If you are a kid, what more fun good you ask for then to swing with your favorite Aunt Brande at the beach, with the ocean right there behind you? See all the decorative tiles on the walls that surround the playground in the sand? These tiles were purchased by businesses and individuals to have this playground built. We've been taking Riley here ever since she has been big enough to walk and it is by far, one of her most favorite places to play! We need to bring Morgan with us next time! And like all little kids, none of them, even me, and I'm a very big kid, like to leave the beach! With great regret, Riley made the sad walk back with us to Brande's apartment. She did try to convince us not to leave and found every tiny little excuse to slow down the walk back! At one point, I think she was considering climbing over the wall and making a fast getaway. When I got home late yesterday afternoon, I can't even put into words how great it felt to spend a day like I did yesterday. It also reminded me that we all need some "play" mixed in with the hard work. I promised not only Riley, but myself, that I would be back real soon to play in the sand and the ocean!!


  1. It looks absolutely beautiful there! I am so glad you girls had a wonderful time despite the fact that it was not "warm enough"....whatever the heck that is! I so hope that your beach remains laid back and casual and does not become a fancy beach! By the way, if you had not told us what that statue was that Riley was posing with, I would have thought it was a dog doodie statue...maybe a gentle reminder to keep your dogs from pooping in the sand! Thanks for the caption! ;)

  2. Oh how I luv Seal Beach and of course it helps to eat a burger and shake at the end of the pier also. Looks like your grandaughter is enjoying the beach also. Thanks for stopping by....Julian

  3. WOW what a day off!
    That is just one of the many reasons that I have a great fear of the ocean..SHARKS.
    Seaweed is my other fear, I always get tangled in it. Laguna is the worst for the seaweed it seems.
    What great memories you are making for Riley. Just think of the stories she will share with her grandbabies about this time, just as you are doing.
    Glad you had some slow down time and a great story to go with it.

  4. What a great way to spend a day! The pictures are so cute, Riley really looks happy.

  5. I so miss Seal Beach and I loved seeing Riley posing with the Seal Beach Statue that I touched just over a week ago. What a wonderful area - I look forward to returning again soon. It has taken me some time to get my bearings after all that driving! Best Wishes. Ann


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