

Today's post is going to be all about vignettes and pictures. Why? Because my CR family is the best when it comes to putting together these little vignettes. They never, ever let me down. And after the past five days at "the store" and talking non-stop with a cold(thanks for sharing Riley) I thought these awesome pictures could do the talking for me!

One of the reasons that I carefully try and pick our Country Roads family is because of you, our customers. I want to offer you the best of the best. And as many of you know, I have a terrific group of people I work with. And I hope they all know how very, very much I appreciate their efforts. They don't go unnoticed, ever! Thank you.


  1. Hi Sue
    Yes we do hqve some wonderful and talented dealers who put together some amazing Vignettes. Your boy Bryce sure knocks the socks off with his industrial displays. I love watching customers walk in circles because they can't take it all in at once!!

    Have a wonderful day!!

  2. Yep, your store is the best by far! but now I just have to say that I just noticed your "HERO" button and I am just picturing you taking two Coronas and jumping out the plate glass window of country roads!!

  3. Always love stopping by for inspiration! Thanks Sue!!

  4. Well, now I'm homesick for SoCal. And I wish I had had more time to browse and pick out more things at your lovely store.

    I just gave one of the things I bought there to my good friend who is an avid gardener. An old pair of hand clippers. She was absolutely delighted, especially since they came from CRA since she loves to look at your posts.

    Thanks for your kind comments on my travelling blog. It was so nice to meet you and I look forward to returning again soon. Ann


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!