
White Wednesday

On this "White Wednesday" I wanted to introduce you to a member of my Country Roads family, Loretta. I have to let you know, she does some incredible things with her "whites"! Above is a picture of her dining room at her house. I remember when she emailed me a photo of the architectural base that she was planning on using for her table. It is truly an amazing piece!! Below you will find a small sampling of what Loretta currently has "in stock" at Country Roads. I have to say, the displays may not look "perfect" since I took the pictures on a very busy Saturday!

What some of you may not know about Loretta is that she has a pretty amazing blog! I promise you that you will love each and every photo she has posted on her blog. And, Loretta writes pretty well too! You might want to stop by for a visit, and if you do, which believe me you DO want to do, could you leave her a comment telling her I sent you? Thanks. Also, thanks to Kathleen who continues to host all of our wonderful "White Wednesdays"! You rock and I appreciate your efforts.


  1. Hey Sue, I just checked out her blog, very pretty. Hope you are having a great day and thanks for sharing, T

  2. That island is killer! I'm off to visit!

  3. Hi Sue, I love Loretta's taste she has such a good eye for the things I love!my heart always goes pitter patter when I see her room in Country Roads I wish I could decorate my whole house with her things. Have a good wednesday, Christie

  4. Total chic-ness! I'm still cracking up about Leonard's post...now he has 8 lives left!!!

  5. Thanks Sue for the posting! Im off to find more whites for the store!!

  6. Sue amor, WOW Loretta's taste is just beautiful! I can't wait to come into your place and see everyone's gorgeous things :) Have a beautiful week and I am off to visit Loretta's lovely blog :) Besos, Rose

  7. I love her little room at your shop.
    You just want to grab the pillows and curl up on that great bed. Just a little piece of heaven.

  8. Okay...I want everything Loretta has! That's not bad, is it? I even want the things from her house! Oh, wait, I sound like the IRS!


  9. Looks like there are more treasures for me to take a drive out there. I also like the island. Thanks for stopping by today..Julian

  10. Hi sue,
    Oooohhh Loretta has soo many pretty whites !! always LoVe looking at her vignettes .. that girlie is GOOD !! Hoping you had a wonderful day today ~
    hugs ~tanza~

  11. Hi Sue, I just got your message and don't know your email but I am just at a lack for words right now.
    Really? I just didn't even think I would be up for the drawing, not be able to be there in person and all.
    You are such a wonderful person and your spirit comes thru in every post I read. I am so glad that there are people that still care to do the right thing for others that are not as lucky in life. I never pass up the chance to give to kids or animals.
    I can't wait to get back to the shop this summer and say thank you in person.


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!