
War, What is it Good For?

Remember that old song, "War, What is it Good For", from the seventies? I was reading through a few blogs this morning and saw this poem below on The Winged Muse blog post. Fantasia. . .
"I dream of giving birth. . .to a child. . .who will ask. . ."Mother, what was war"?
I remember Vietnam and how back then I thought it was so stupid. I hate violence with a passion, and will never be able to understand what is wrong with peace? I was looking at my garden this morning, the garden that needs much work after all the rain we've had this year. But it reminded me of the wonderment of Spring. Year after year, my flowers return. They remind me of the simple & kind things in life. A garden, peace, and the baby birds chirping in my birdhouses. Sadly, not everyone has this little corner of "peace" that I have in my world. Especially, little kids in the countries that are at war. Remember John Lennon's lyrics to "Imagine"?
You may say that I'm a dreamer, But I'm not the only one, I hope someday you'll join us, And the world will live as one." Riley should be here shortly, I think her and I may spend sometime working in the garden. After all it's peaceful there. And I too hope to hear one of my grankids ask their Mom, "Mother what was war"?


  1. I hope your right...someday maybe...there needs to be a lot of changes made before that can happen...love your garden...

  2. A nice, thought provoking post. Your garden is lovely!

  3. Now I will have that song in my head all dang day long! ;) That is one of my favorite oldies but goodies, by the way! I have always said that if women ruled countries, there would be no war because we would never send our children off to fight!

  4. War was such a cool tough song in its time.
    I cannot imagine sending a child off to war.

  5. Hi Sue,

    Tell me about all the weeds. We always get so much rain and I think only the weeds soak it up. I was pretty sore after this weekend, but it felt so good to be outside.

    Hope all is well with you and your family.


  6. Sue
    This post really makes us think about life today. I have always loved "Imagine" and how it spoke to me. This was a perfect post and your garden pictures ever so lovely. Hope that you are having a great week. I was at CR today and again you have raised such wonderful children. They really are so caring and helpful.

    Take care


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!