
A Leonard Update!

I thought Brande did this update for me someplace on my blog, but I'm not sure where. Well, Leonard decided he would stay for awhile for another round or two of his Corona's! You know, I said good-bye to him on Saturday, and the vet's office closed. I said good-bye again this morning. The vet seemed to think he needed a shot and has arthritis! After all, the cat is 20 plus years old!! Time will tell, but for now, Riley's "little buddy" is still with us!!

Oh, I see the update! I have to say, Leonard is probably the most "popular" cat I have ever had!! Thanks for all of your kind words. Animal lovers are special people, you know?


  1. As the vet gets older, he is probably more sympathetic to old Leonard! Way to go, Leonard! You just used another of your nine lives!

  2. Me and Leonard...nothing like a trip to the cabinets of curiosities for a cure all! Great news!

  3. Oh goodness - I was all teary eyed this morning and couldn't leave a comment. Welcome back furry friend.

  4. oh, sue: i'm still in tears from your previous post. glad leonard is okay - for a bit longer. it is very hard to part with a loved one - person or pet.

  5. I guess he was on life 8 when you thought it was 9. Leonard reminds me of my cat. He mellowed so much with age and was so snuggly. He made it to 18.
    Its going to be so hard on you and poor Riley. I can see the "old" in Leonards eyes.

  6. Being a cancer survivor - Leonard - you go when you are ready if you want to ... just remember you are loved. Jennifer

  7. Yeah Leonard, He's a tough old guy!! Maybe he just needed his beer!
    love ya,

  8. Yeah Leonard!!! Have a Corona, kitty, you AND SUE deserve it...and a long cuddle.

    It wasn't his turn yet! My 11y.o. Cocker was on his last legs literally, he could barely walk. Took him to a doggie chiropractor (NO JOKE!) and he not only practically sprinted out of the office but lived another two years.

    Enjoy your time together!

  9. Wonderful to see Leonard back! Good thing cats have nice lives - he has a very good life right now! I, too was very teary reading your post!

  10. He's one tough guy, he just needed another corona to make him feel better :)


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